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What You Should be Doing this Summer Posted on:Monday, May 6th, 2013


If you’re a junior who is facing college applications in the fall, than this question is huge! Did you know that filling your summer with enriching experiences can increase the stock of your college application?  Whether you embark upon exciting travels, a challenging internship, or part-time job, this is the last summer that you have to engage in experiences that are sure to offer more personal growth and talking points for your personal statements.

But what if you don’t know where to look for great summer opportunities? I always get this question and depending on your resources and location, I always say start with your high school.

Your college counselor should keep a running list of summer enrichment programs available both locally and afar.  Most colleges offer summer bridge or college readiness programs such as UC Irvine’s Summer Scholars Program , San Diego State’s SALT Summer Program, or the Environmental Studies Summer Youth Institute at Hobart and William Smith College in New York.

Summer enrichment programs can cost anywhere between $700 to $6,000 depending on the length of the program and whether you are getting college credit.  Some form of financial aid is typically offered, so you should still apply and see what happens. Check out Enrichmentalley.com for more information about summer programs.

Local community colleges are also great resources for summer enrichment. Most community colleges offer summer classes and bridge programs that allow you to get remedial courses out of the way.  Remember, as a high school student you can take classes at community college for free through concurrent enrollment.  Just have your counselor provide you with the necessary forms.

If you’re looking for an exciting internship this summer I personally like what Lauren Berger has to say over at internqueen.com.  Find out all of the best tips for finding the perfect internship.  You can also reach out to companies in your local community.  Interested in becoming a veterinarian? If so contact your local vet clinic and see if they could use a volunteer over the summer.   Reach out to the local library, your city attorney’s office, any place you might already have connections.

As for summer jobs, I always recommend starting with your career counselor or whomever handles work permits on campus.  Of course there’s always craigslist and indeed.com, but starting with a lead is always best.

Action Step: Stop by your college center this week and ask your college counselor about summer programs in your area.  Also, spend some time on the Enrichment Alley website, especially if you’d like to get out of town for the summer.

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